Syntax10.Scn.Fnt StampElems Alloc 20 Mar 96 Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt MODULE EditKeys; (* CAS/MH 27 Jan 93, SHML << *) IMPORT Files, Oberon, Input, Fonts, Display, Viewers, MenuViewers, Texts, TextFrames; CONST IdentLen = 32; DefaultFile = "EditKeys.Text"; DefaultMacro = "OTHERWISE"; InstallMacro = "INSTALL"; (*scanner symbols*) cmdSym = 0; nameSym = 1; stretchSym = 2; lparen = 3; rparen = 4; bslash = 5; eof = 6; (*built-in commands*) (*w/ param*) writeCmd = "0"; charCmd = "1"; fntCmd = "2"; voffCmd = "3"; callCmd = "4"; argCmd = "A"; execCmd = "B"; paramCmd = "C"; (*w/o param*) keepCmd = "5"; pickCmd = "6"; caretCmd = "7"; indentCmd = "8"; freezeCmd = "9"; (*preset.set*) fntPreset = 0; pickPreset = 1; voffPreset = 2; caretPreset = 3; freezePreset = 4; Menu = "System.Close System.Copy System.Grow Edit.Search Edit.Replace Edit.Parcs Edit.Store "; SysMenu = "System.Close System.Copy System.Grow Edit.Store "; TYPE Ident = ARRAY IdentLen OF CHAR; Definition = POINTER TO DefinitionDesc; Sequence = POINTER TO SequenceDesc; DefinitionDesc = RECORD left, right: Definition; in: BOOLEAN; trig: Ident; seq: Sequence END; SequenceDesc = RECORD next: Sequence; sym: INTEGER; cmd: CHAR; def: Definition; stretch: Texts.Buffer END; defs, dmy: Definition; ch, cmd, hotKey: CHAR; sym, errs: INTEGER; errpos: LONGINT; name, trig: Ident; stretch, buf, indent: Texts.Buffer; T: Texts.Text; R: Texts.Reader; W, WB, WL: Texts.Writer; (*out, compose, host editor*) map: ARRAY 17 OF CHAR; preset: RECORD set: SET; pos, caret: LONGINT; frame: TextFrames.Frame; def, fnt: Fonts.Font; voff: SHORTINT END; PROCEDURE Flip (VAR src, dst: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN i := -1; j := 0; REPEAT INC(i) UNTIL src[i] = 0X; WHILE i > 0 DO DEC(i); dst[j] := src[i]; INC(j) END; dst[j] := 0X END Flip; PROCEDURE WLog; BEGIN Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) END WLog; PROCEDURE Ch (ch: CHAR); BEGIN Texts.Write(W, ch) END Ch; PROCEDURE Str (s: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN Texts.WriteString(W, s) END Str; PROCEDURE FlipStr (s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR n: Ident; BEGIN Flip(s, n); Str(n) END FlipStr; PROCEDURE Gap; BEGIN Str(" ") END Gap; PROCEDURE Ln; BEGIN Texts.WriteLn(W) END Ln; PROCEDURE Char (ch: CHAR); VAR pat: Display.Pattern; i, n, dx, x, y, w, h: INTEGER; d: ARRAY 3 OF CHAR; BEGIN Display.GetChar(W.fnt.raster, ch, dx, x, y, w, h, pat); IF h > 0 THEN Ch(ch); Str(" (* ") END; Ch("#"); i := 0; n := ORD(ch); REPEAT d[i] := map[n MOD 10]; n := n DIV 10; INC(i) UNTIL n = 0; WHILE i > 0 DO DEC(i); Ch(d[i]) END; IF h = 0 THEN Str(" (* ") ELSE Str(", ") END; Ch("0"); i := 0; n := ORD(ch); REPEAT d[i] := map[n MOD 16]; n := n DIV 16; INC(i) UNTIL n = 0; WHILE i > 0 DO DEC(i); Ch(d[i]) END; Str("X *)") END Char; PROCEDURE Append (SB, DB: Texts.Buffer); BEGIN Texts.Copy(SB, DB); Texts.OpenBuf(SB) END Append; (* table handler *) PROCEDURE Find (VAR name, trig: Ident; insert: BOOLEAN): Definition; VAR p, q, d, x: Definition; i: INTEGER; BEGIN Flip(name, trig); p := defs; d := p.right; q := NIL; x := NIL; WHILE d # NIL DO i := 0; WHILE (trig[i] # 0X) & (trig[i] = d.trig[i]) DO INC(i) END; IF trig[i] = d.trig[i] THEN x := d; d := NIL ELSIF trig[i] = 0X THEN q := d; d := NIL ELSIF trig[i] < d.trig[i] THEN p := d; d := d.left ELSE p := d; d := d.right END END; IF insert & (x # NIL) THEN Str(name); Str(" already defined"); Ln; WLog END; (*<<*) IF insert & (x = NIL) THEN NEW(x); x.right := q; := FALSE; x.trig := trig; IF trig < p.trig THEN p.left := x ELSE p.right := x END; IF q # NIL THEN dmy.right := NIL; p := dmy; WHILE q.left # NIL DO WHILE (q.left # NIL) & (q.left.trig > trig) DO q := q.left END; WHILE (q.left # NIL) & (q.left.trig < trig) DO p.right := q.left; p := p.right; q.left := p.right; p.right := NIL END END; x.left := dmy.right END END; RETURN x END Find; PROCEDURE ResetDefs; VAR def: Definition; seq: Sequence; BEGIN defs.right := NIL; defs.trig[0] := 0X; hotKey := "\"; name := DefaultMacro; def := Find(name, trig, TRUE); NEW(def.seq); seq := def.seq; seq.sym := cmdSym; seq.cmd := pickCmd; NEW(; seq :=; Texts.OpenBuf(WB.buf); Texts.Write(WB, "\"); seq.sym := stretchSym; seq.stretch := WB.buf; NEW(WB.buf); Texts.OpenBuf(WB.buf); NEW(; seq :=; seq.sym := cmdSym; seq.cmd := writeCmd END ResetDefs; PROCEDURE Trigger (VAR trig: Ident): Definition; VAR d, x: Definition; i: INTEGER; BEGIN d := defs.right; x := NIL; WHILE d # NIL DO i := 0; WHILE (trig[i] # 0X) & (trig[i] = d.trig[i]) DO INC(i) END; IF trig[i] = d.trig[i] THEN RETURN d END; IF d.trig[i] = 0X THEN x := d END; IF trig[i] < d.trig[i] THEN d := d.left ELSE d := d.right END END; RETURN x END Trigger; (* macro compiler *) PROCEDURE Mark (err: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN INC(errs); IF Texts.Pos(R) - errpos > 9 THEN errpos := Texts.Pos(R); Ln; Str(" pos "); Texts.WriteInt(W, errpos, 0); Gap; Str(err); WLog END END Mark; PROCEDURE GetCh; BEGIN Texts.Read(R, ch) END GetCh; PROCEDURE CharCode; VAR c: INTEGER; BEGIN c := 0; WHILE ("0" <= ch) & (ch <= "9") DO c := c * 10 + SHORT(ORD(ch) - 30H); GetCh END; name[0] := CHR(c); name[1] := 0X (*unchecked*) END CharCode; PROCEDURE Name; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT name[i] := ch; INC(i); GetCh UNTIL (ch <= " ") OR (ch = "(") OR (ch = ")") OR R.eot OR (i = IdentLen-1); IF ~((ch <= " ") OR (ch = "(") OR (ch = ")") OR R.eot) THEN Mark("name too long") END; name[i] := 0X END Name; PROCEDURE Save (text: Texts.Text; beg, end: LONGINT; buf: Texts.Buffer); BEGIN IF end > beg THEN Texts.Save(text, beg, end, buf) END END Save; PROCEDURE Stretch; VAR beg, end: LONGINT; BEGIN beg := Texts.Pos(R); end := beg; GetCh; WHILE ~R.eot & (ch # 22X) DO INC(end); GetCh END; IF ch = 22X THEN GetCh; IF end > beg THEN NEW(stretch); Texts.OpenBuf(stretch); Save(T, beg, end, stretch) ELSE Mark("empty stretch") END ELSE Mark("Closing quote expected") END END Stretch; PROCEDURE Comment; BEGIN LOOP IF ch = "(" THEN GetCh; IF ch = "*" THEN GetCh; Comment END ELSIF ch = "*" THEN GetCh; IF ch = ")" THEN GetCh; EXIT END ELSE GetCh END END END Comment; PROCEDURE GetSym; BEGIN sym := eof; REPEAT IF (0X <= ch) & (ch <= " ") THEN GetCh ELSIF ch = 22X THEN sym := stretchSym; Stretch ELSIF ch = "#" THEN sym := nameSym; GetCh; CharCode ELSIF ch = "(" THEN GetCh; IF ch = "*" THEN GetCh; Comment ELSE sym := lparen END ELSIF ch = ")" THEN sym := rparen; GetCh ELSIF ch = "\" THEN sym := bslash; GetCh ELSIF ch = "^" THEN sym := cmdSym; GetCh; cmd := ch; GetCh ELSE sym := nameSym; Name END UNTIL (sym # eof) OR R.eot END GetSym; PROCEDURE ParseText; VAR def: Definition; beg, seq: Sequence; BEGIN GetSym; IF sym = bslash THEN GetSym; IF sym = nameSym THEN hotKey := name[0]; GetSym ELSE Mark("hot-key code expected") END END; WHILE sym = nameSym DO GetSym; def := Find(name, trig, TRUE); IF sym = lparen THEN GetSym; NEW(beg); seq := beg; := NIL; WHILE sym IN {cmdSym, nameSym, stretchSym} DO NEW(; seq :=; seq.sym := sym; IF sym = cmdSym THEN seq.cmd := cmd ELSIF sym = nameSym THEN seq.def := Find(name, trig, FALSE); IF seq.def = NIL THEN Mark("illegal forward reference") END ELSE (*sym = stretchSym*) seq.stretch := stretch END; GetSym END; def.seq :=; IF sym = rparen THEN GetSym ELSE Mark(") expected") END ELSE Mark("( expected") END END; IF sym # eof THEN GetSym; IF sym # eof THEN Mark("unexpected trailing char.s") END END; stretch := NIL END ParseText; PROCEDURE ReadText (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; beg: LONGINT); BEGIN Texts.OpenReader(R, T, beg); GetCh; IF ~R.eot THEN Str(" reading "); Str(name); WLog; errs := 0; errpos := -10; ParseText; IF errs = 0 THEN Str(" done") ELSE ResetDefs END; Ln; WLog END END ReadText; (* macro processor *) PROCEDURE Insert (frame: TextFrames.Frame; buf: Texts.Buffer); VAR pos, len: LONGINT; BEGIN pos := frame.carloc.pos; len := buf.len; Texts.Insert(frame.text, pos, buf); TextFrames.SetCaret(frame, pos + len) END Insert; PROCEDURE Delete (frame: TextFrames.Frame; beg, end: LONGINT); BEGIN Texts.Delete(frame.text, beg, end); TextFrames.SetCaret(frame, beg) END Delete; PROCEDURE Err (def: Definition; s: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN INC(errs); Gap; Str(s); Str(" in "); FlipStr(def.trig); Ln; WLog END Err; PROCEDURE PopArg (def: Definition; class: SHORTINT; VAR S: Texts.Scanner; VAR stack: Sequence); VAR B: Texts.Buffer; BEGIN IF stack # NIL THEN T := TextFrames.Text(""); NEW(B); Texts.OpenBuf(B); Texts.Copy(stack.stretch, B); Texts.Append(T, B); Texts.OpenScanner(S, T, 0); Texts.Scan(S); stack :=; IF (class >= 0) & (S.class # class) THEN Err(def, "illegal param type") END ELSE Err(def, "missing param") END END PopArg; PROCEDURE PushArg (buf: Texts.Buffer; VAR stack: Sequence); VAR u: Sequence; BEGIN NEW(u); := stack; stack := u; u.stretch := buf END PushArg; PROCEDURE ThisArg (n: LONGINT; args: Sequence): Sequence; BEGIN WHILE (n > 0) & (args # NIL) DO DEC(n); args := END; RETURN args END ThisArg; PROCEDURE GetArguments (text: Texts.Text; pos: LONGINT; VAR pin: LONGINT; VAR args: Sequence); VAR B: Texts.Buffer; R: Texts.Reader; ch: CHAR; BEGIN pin := pos; DEC(pos); Texts.OpenReader(R, text, pos); Texts.Read(R, ch); IF ch = ":" THEN pin := pos; WHILE pos > 0 DO DEC(pos); Texts.OpenReader(R, text, pos); Texts.Read(R, ch); (*inv text[pos] = ch*) IF ch <= " " THEN NEW(B); Texts.OpenBuf(B); Save(text, pos + 1, pin, B); PushArg(B, args); pin := pos + 1; RETURN ELSIF ch = ":" THEN NEW(B); Texts.OpenBuf(B); Save(text, pos + 1, pin, B); PushArg(B, args); pin := pos ELSIF (ch = 22X) & (pos = pin - 1) THEN ch := 0X; WHILE (pos > 0) & (ch # 22X) DO DEC(pos); Texts.OpenReader(R, text, pos); Texts.Read(R, ch) END; IF ch = 22X THEN NEW(B); Texts.OpenBuf(B); Save(text, pos + 1, pin - 1, B); PushArg(B, args); pin := pos; DEC(pos); Texts.OpenReader(R, text, pos); Texts.Read(R, ch); IF ch = ":" THEN pin := pos END; IF ch <= " " THEN RETURN END ELSE RETURN END END END; NEW(B); Texts.OpenBuf(B); Save(text, pos, pin, B); PushArg(B, args); pin := pos END END GetArguments; PROCEDURE Expand (def: Definition; VAR stack, args, params: Sequence); VAR d: Definition; seq, u: Sequence; B: Texts.Buffer; S: Texts.Scanner; par: Oberon.ParList; res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF THEN := TRUE; seq := def.seq; WHILE (errs = 0) & (seq # NIL) DO IF seq.sym = cmdSym THEN IF seq.cmd = writeCmd THEN IF stack # NIL THEN Append(stack.stretch, buf); stack := ELSE Err(def, "missing param") END ELSIF seq.cmd = charCmd THEN PopArg(def, Texts.Int, S, stack); Texts.Write(WB, CHR(S.i)); Append(WB.buf, buf) ELSIF seq.cmd = fntCmd THEN PopArg(def, Texts.Name, S, stack); INCL(preset.set, fntPreset); preset.fnt := Fonts.This(S.s) ELSIF seq.cmd = voffCmd THEN PopArg(def, Texts.Int, S, stack); INCL(preset.set, voffPreset); preset.voff := SHORT(SHORT(S.i)) ELSIF seq.cmd = callCmd THEN PopArg(def, Texts.Name, S, stack); IF errs = 0 THEN NEW(par); par.vwr := Oberon.FocusViewer; par.frame :=; IF params # NIL THEN par.text := TextFrames.Text(""); WHILE params # NIL DO Texts.Insert(par.text, 0, params.stretch); params := END; NEW(B); Texts.OpenBuf(B); Texts.Save(T, Texts.Pos(S) - 1, T.len, B); Texts.Append(par.text, B); par.pos := 0 ELSE par.text := T; par.pos := Texts.Pos(S) END; Oberon.Call(S.s, par, FALSE, res); IF res # 0 THEN Texts.WriteInt(W, res, 3); Err(def, "call error ") END END ELSIF seq.cmd = argCmd THEN PopArg(def, Texts.Int, S, stack); IF errs = 0 THEN u := ThisArg(S.i, args); IF u # NIL THEN NEW(B); Texts.OpenBuf(B); Texts.Copy(u.stretch, B); PushArg(B, stack) ELSE Err(def, "missing argument") END END ELSIF seq.cmd = execCmd THEN PopArg(def, Texts.Name, S, stack); IF errs = 0 THEN COPY(S.s, name); d := Find(name, trig, FALSE); IF d # NIL THEN Expand(d, stack, args, params) ELSE Err(def, "exec of undefined macro") END END ELSIF seq.cmd = paramCmd THEN IF stack # NIL THEN u := stack; stack :=; := params; params := u ELSE Err(def, "missing param") END ELSIF seq.cmd = keepCmd THEN INCL(preset.set, fntPreset); preset.fnt := preset.def ELSIF seq.cmd = pickCmd THEN INCL(preset.set, pickPreset) ELSIF seq.cmd = caretCmd THEN INCL(preset.set, caretPreset); preset.caret := buf.len ELSIF seq.cmd = indentCmd THEN IF indent.len > 0 THEN Texts.Copy(indent, buf) END ELSIF seq.cmd = freezeCmd THEN INCL(preset.set, freezePreset) ELSE Err(def, "illegal built-in") END ELSIF seq.sym = nameSym THEN Expand(seq.def, stack, args, params) ELSE (*seq.sym = stretchSym*) NEW(B); Texts.OpenBuf(B); Texts.Copy(seq.stretch, B); PushArg(B, stack) END; seq := END; := FALSE ELSE Err(def, "cyclic expansion") END END Expand; PROCEDURE InitialExec (name: Ident); VAR def: Definition; stack, args, params: Sequence; trig: Ident; BEGIN def := Find(name, trig, FALSE); IF def # NIL THEN preset.set := {}; stack := NIL; args := NIL; params := NIL; errs := 0; Expand(def, stack, args, params); IF stack # NIL THEN Err(def, "superfluous param") END END END InitialExec; PROCEDURE Process (frame: TextFrames.Frame; VAR del: LONGINT); VAR def: Definition; org, pos, i, tlen, pin: LONGINT; stack, args, params: Sequence; default: BOOLEAN; dmy: Texts.Reader; BEGIN errs := 0; del := 0; Texts.OpenBuf(buf); org := frame.carloc.pos; pos := org - (IdentLen-1); IF pos >= 0 THEN i := IdentLen-1 ELSE pos := 0; i := org END; trig[i] := 0X; Texts.OpenReader(R, frame.text, pos); WHILE i > 0 DO DEC(i); Texts.Read(R, trig[i]) END; def := Trigger(trig); IF def # NIL THEN default := FALSE; tlen := 0; WHILE def.trig[tlen] # 0X DO INC(tlen) END ELSE default := TRUE; name := DefaultMacro; def := Find(name, trig, FALSE); tlen := 0 END; IF def # NIL THEN preset.set := {}; stack := NIL; args := NIL; params := NIL; GetArguments(frame.text, org - tlen, pin, args); Texts.OpenReader(dmy, frame.text, 0); Expand(def, stack, args, params); IF stack # NIL THEN Err(def, "superfluous param") END; IF errs = 0 THEN IF ~default THEN del := org - pin END; preset.frame := frame; preset.pos := frame.carloc.pos - del; IF caretPreset IN preset.set THEN INC(preset.pos, preset.caret) ELSE INC(preset.pos, buf.len) END END END END Process; (* editor interface *) PROCEDURE Key (frame: TextFrames.Frame; ch: CHAR; VAR handled: BOOLEAN); CONST TAB = 9X; LF = 0AX; CR = 0DX; VAR del, pos, beg: LONGINT; voff: SHORTINT; fnt: Fonts.Font; ch1: CHAR; BEGIN handled := TRUE; pos := frame.carloc.pos; IF frame.text.len > 0 THEN IF pos < frame.text.len THEN Texts.OpenReader(R, frame.text, pos); Texts.Read(R, ch1) END; IF (pos > 0) & ((pos = frame.text.len) OR (ch1 <= " ")) THEN Texts.OpenReader(R, frame.text, pos - 1); Texts.Read(R, ch1) END; preset.def := R.fnt; Texts.SetColor(WL, R.col); IF (ch = CR) OR (ch = TAB) OR (ch = LF) THEN Texts.SetOffset(WL, Oberon.CurOff) ELSE Texts.SetOffset(WL, R.voff) END ELSE preset.def := Oberon.CurFnt; Texts.SetColor(WL, Oberon.CurCol); Texts.SetOffset(WL, Oberon.CurOff) END; fnt := preset.def; voff := WL.voff; IF (preset.frame = frame) & (preset.pos = pos) THEN IF fntPreset IN preset.set THEN fnt := preset.fnt END; IF voffPreset IN preset.set THEN voff := preset.voff END END; preset.set := {}; preset.frame := NIL; IF WL.fnt # fnt THEN Texts.SetFont(WL, fnt) END; IF WL.voff # voff THEN Texts.SetOffset(WL, voff) END; IF ch = hotKey THEN beg :=; Texts.OpenReader(R, frame.text, beg); Texts.Read(R, ch1); WHILE (Texts.Pos(R) <= pos) & (ch1 <= " ") DO Texts.Read(R, ch1) END; Texts.OpenBuf(indent); Save(frame.text, beg, Texts.Pos(R) - 1, indent); Process(frame, del); IF ~(freezePreset IN preset.set) & (errs = 0) THEN IF frame.hasCar & (frame.carloc.pos # pos) THEN preset.pos := frame.carloc.pos - del END; TextFrames.SetCaret(frame, pos); IF del > 0 THEN Delete(frame, pos - del, pos) END; IF pickPreset IN preset.set THEN T := TextFrames.Text(""); Texts.Append(T, buf); Texts.ChangeLooks(T, 0, T.len, {0}, preset.def, 0, 0); Save(T, 0, T.len, buf) END; Insert(frame, buf) ELSE TextFrames.RemoveCaret(frame); preset.pos := frame.carloc.pos END; IF (0 <= preset.pos) & (preset.pos <= frame.text.len) THEN TextFrames.SetCaret(frame, preset.pos) END (*ELSIF (ch >= " ") & (ch # DEL) & (ch < 95X) OR (ch = 9BX) OR (ch = 9FX) THEN Texts.Write(WL, ch)*) ELSE handled := FALSE END; IF (WL.buf.len > 0) & frame.hasCar THEN Insert(frame, WL.buf) END END Key; PROCEDURE KeyHandle*(f: Display.Frame; VAR msg: Display.FrameMsg); (*<<*) CONST InvalMsg = -1; VAR frame: TextFrames.Frame; handled: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF msg IS Oberon.InputMsg THEN WITH msg: Oberon.InputMsg DO frame := f(TextFrames.Frame); IF ( = Oberon.consume) & frame.hasCar THEN Key(frame,, handled); IF handled THEN := InvalMsg END ELSIF ( = Oberon.track) & (msg.keys # {}) THEN preset.set := {} END END END END KeyHandle; PROCEDURE Handle* (F: Display.Frame; VAR msg: Display.FrameMsg); BEGIN KeyHandle(F, msg); TextFrames.Handle(F, msg) END Handle; (* commands *) PROCEDURE GetMainArg (VAR S: Texts.Scanner; VAR end: LONGINT); (*after command or (^) at selection; end of selection or -1*) VAR text: Texts.Text; beg, time: LONGINT; BEGIN Texts.Scan(S); end := -1; IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "^") THEN Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S, text, beg); Texts.Scan(S) END END; IF S.line # 0 THEN S.class := Texts.Inval END END GetMainArg; PROCEDURE ShowPos (F: TextFrames.Frame; pos: LONGINT); VAR beg, end, delta: LONGINT; BEGIN delta := 200; LOOP beg :=; end := TextFrames.Pos(F, F.X + F.W, F.Y); IF (beg <= pos) & (pos < end) OR (delta = 0) THEN EXIT END; TextFrames.Show(F, pos - delta); DEC(delta, 20) END END ShowPos; PROCEDURE NewView (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; class: INTEGER; T: Texts.Text; org: LONGINT; sys: BOOLEAN): TextFrames.Frame; VAR V: MenuViewers.Viewer; F, M: TextFrames.Frame; buf: Texts.Buffer; i, x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN IF class = Texts.String THEN i := 0; WHILE name[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; name[i] := 22X; INC(i); name[i] := 0X; WHILE i >= 0 DO name[i+1] := name[i]; DEC(i) END; name[0] := 22X END; F := TextFrames.NewText(T, org); F.handle := Handle; IF sys THEN Oberon.AllocateSystemViewer(Oberon.Mouse.X, x, y); V := MenuViewers.New(TextFrames.NewMenu(name, SysMenu), F, TextFrames.menuH, x, y) ELSE Oberon.AllocateUserViewer(Oberon.Mouse.X, x, y); IF Files.Old("Edit.Menu.Text") = NIL THEN M := TextFrames.NewMenu(name, Menu) ELSE M := TextFrames.NewMenu(name, ""); NEW(T); Texts.Open(T, "Edit.Menu.Text"); NEW(buf); Texts.OpenBuf(buf); Texts.Save(T, 0, T.len, buf); Texts.Append(M.text, buf) END; V := MenuViewers.New(M, F, TextFrames.menuH, x, y) END; ShowPos(F, org); RETURN F END NewView; PROCEDURE Open*; VAR S: Texts.Scanner; F: TextFrames.Frame; end: LONGINT; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); GetMainArg(S, end); IF (S.class = Texts.Name) OR (S.class = Texts.String) THEN F := NewView(S.s, S.class, TextFrames.Text(S.s), 0, FALSE) END END Open; PROCEDURE SysOpen*; VAR S: Texts.Scanner; F: TextFrames.Frame; end: LONGINT; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); GetMainArg(S, end); IF (S.class = Texts.Name) OR (S.class = Texts.String) THEN F := NewView(S.s, S.class, TextFrames.Text(S.s), 0, TRUE) END END SysOpen; PROCEDURE Upgrade*; (*<< ww *) VAR v: Viewers.Viewer; f: Display.Frame; hT, h: Display.Handler; BEGIN v := Oberon.MarkedViewer(); IF (v.dsc # NIL) & ( # NIL) THEN f :=; hT := TextFrames.Handle; h := Handle; IF f.handle = hT THEN f.handle := h ELSIF f.handle # h THEN Str("EditKeys.Upgrade: Not a TextFrame."); Ln; WLog END END END Upgrade; PROCEDURE GetKeyHandler*; (*<<*) CONST Magic = -42; BEGIN IF Oberon.Par.pos = Magic THEN Oberon.Par.frame.handle := KeyHandle END END GetKeyHandler; PROCEDURE Reset*; BEGIN ResetDefs END Reset; PROCEDURE Read*; VAR S: Texts.Scanner; text: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(S); IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "@") & (S.line = 0) THEN Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time > 0 THEN T := text; ReadText(" @ ", beg) END ELSIF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = ":") & (S.nextCh = "=") & (S.line = 0) THEN Texts.Scan(S); T := Oberon.Par.text; ReadText(" := ", Texts.Pos(S) - 1) ELSE IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "^") & (S.line = 0) THEN Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time > 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S, text, beg); Texts.Scan(S) END END; WHILE S.class = Texts.Name DO T := TextFrames.Text(S.s); ReadText(S.s, 0); Texts.Scan(S) END END; T := NIL END Read; PROCEDURE Definitions*; VAR S: Texts.Scanner; V: MenuViewers.Viewer; T, text: Texts.Text; tree: Definition; beg, end, time: LONGINT; x, y: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Sort(VAR d: Definition; VAR pat: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR tree: Definition); VAR i: INTEGER; t: Definition; n: Ident; PROCEDURE Ins(VAR tree: Definition; t: Definition; VAR n: Ident); VAR m: Ident; BEGIN IF tree = NIL THEN tree := t ELSE Flip(tree.trig, m); IF n < m THEN Ins(tree.left, t, n) ELSE Ins(tree.right, t, n) END END END Ins; BEGIN IF d # NIL THEN Flip(d.trig, n); i := 0; WHILE (pat[i] # 0X) & (n[i] = pat[i]) DO INC(i) END; IF pat[i] = 0X THEN NEW(t); t^ := d^; t.left := NIL; t.right := NIL; Ins(tree, t, n) END; Sort(d.left, pat, tree); Sort(d.right, pat, tree) END END Sort; PROCEDURE Write(tree: Definition); PROCEDURE Seq(seq: Sequence); VAR b: Texts.Buffer; BEGIN WHILE seq # NIL DO IF seq.sym = cmdSym THEN Ch("^"); Ch(seq.cmd) ELSIF seq.sym = nameSym THEN IF (name[1] = 0X) & ((name[0] < " ") OR (name[0] > 7EX)) THEN Char(name[0]) ELSE FlipStr(seq.def.trig) END ELSE (*seq.sym = stretchSym*) Ch(22X); Append(W.buf, buf); NEW(b); Texts.OpenBuf(b); Texts.Copy(seq.stretch, b); Append(b, buf); Ch(22X) END; seq :=; IF seq # NIL THEN Ch(" ") END END END Seq; BEGIN IF tree # NIL THEN Write(tree.left); Gap; FlipStr(tree.trig); Gap; Ch("("); Seq(tree.seq); Ch(")"); Ln; Write(tree.right) END END Write; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(S); IF (S.line # 0) OR (S.class # Texts.String) & (S.class # Texts.Name) THEN Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time > 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S, text, beg); Texts.Scan(S) END END; IF (S.line # 0) OR (S.class # Texts.String) & (S.class # Texts.Name) THEN S.s[0] := 0X END; Str("(hotkey is "); Char(hotKey); Ch(")"); Ln; tree := NIL; Sort(defs.right, S.s, tree); Texts.OpenBuf(buf); Write(tree); Append(W.buf, buf); Oberon.AllocateSystemViewer(Oberon.Mouse.X, x, y); T := TextFrames.Text(""); Texts.Append(T, buf); V := MenuViewers.New(TextFrames.NewMenu("EditKeys.Definitions", Menu), TextFrames.NewText(T, 0), TextFrames.menuH, x, y) END Definitions; PROCEDURE GetKeyCode*; (*<<*) BEGIN Str("EditKeys.GetKeyCode ('q' to quit)"); WLog; REPEAT Input.Read(ch); Ln; Gap; Char(ch); WLog UNTIL ch = "q"; Ln; WLog END GetKeyCode; BEGIN Texts.OpenWriter(W); Texts.OpenWriter(WB); Texts.OpenWriter(WL); NEW(defs); NEW(dmy); NEW(buf); NEW(indent); map := "0123456789ABCDEF"; ResetDefs; T := TextFrames.Text(DefaultFile); ReadText(DefaultFile, 0); T := NIL; InitialExec(InstallMacro) END EditKeys.